Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence.





Linear regression

For continuous linear predictions

A linear model is defined as

y = w * x + b

Mean Squared Error

MSE = 1/n * SUM(xi-x)² 

The goal is to minimize the Mean Squared Error to fit the Function to the dataset (Function approximation).

Steps to take:

- Take the derivative of MSE for calculating gradients 
- Compute error/ gradients with training data (Supervised learning)
- Backpropagate the gradients with Learning Rate lr by using gradient descent and adjust weights and bias (w, b)
- Iterate until minimum is reached

After the training the model is used for making predictions (inference)

Logistic regression

For classification tasks which uses a sigmoid function. Uses a similar compuational process as linear regression.

Neural-Networks (nonlinear problems)

Neural networks introduces non linearities via an Activation Function for use in non linear problems (Classification and Regression)

Equation of one Neuron:

y = (w * x + b) + Activation-Function

Combine a number of neurons to create a Neural Network (MLP - Multi Layer Perceptron)
